About Alan
Alan Allinger debuted his first book in April of 2020. Though he has been telling stories his entire life, the medium has been different up to this point. His first love was theater, and has worked in the entertainment industry as a prop maker for nearly 40 years. From Oscar winners, to Sci-Fi hits, to shows from the Shondaland empire, chances are Alan's work has shaped some of your favorite visual stories.
Alan has always been a voracious reader and was known to bring books even on dates, something his now-wife of 29 years squashed quickly. After a lifetime of absorbing literature, he began scribbling down his own. Rooted in his love of fantasy, his debut anthology of short stories is available now. Alan lives in Dallas, TX with his wife Mary and has three daughters: Nola, Ema and Jane. Since each daughter is lovelier than the next, he has never been able to play favorites.